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Cheveyo/Sami Pups


This is Ambush(named after a character in Real Steel).  Ambush is going to live with a T1 diabetic who also has Celiac disease.  Ambush is being cross trained to alert on wheat as well!  Ambush will be living in Duschene, UT.

 This is Bailey!   Bailey is living with a T1 in CO!  Bailey is one of the piranhas of this group!  Early on she alerted by nipping my chin!  When transferred to her new owner, the first 3 days she was the sweetest and politest puppy!  Then the piranha is her showed back when her new owner got into the 60's!

 This is Diesel!  If I had wanted to keep a puppy this lil guy would have been it.  I dont know why but for some reason I was seriously attracted to him!  I love all puppies but sometimes one will get to my heart.  Diesel is staying in SLC with a T2 diabetic.  Diesel is going to be a multi-use puppy!  He will run hunt tests, rally, and a variety of other things.  I am glad my lil buddy is staying close!

This is Lottie!   Lottie is another lil firecracker in this group!   Lottie is living with a T1 diabetic in CO and will work as a back up DAD!  Lottie is being trained by an amazing teenager!  Miss Hot Choco-Lottie!

  This is Moxie.  Moxie will be living with a T1diabetic in MS!  She is already living up to her name!  Moxie will meet her new owner Thursday!

Last but NOT LEAST...this is Sugar.  Sugar was my very sweet puppy!  She had the sweetest disposition as a baby!  Sugar is living with a T1 in Santaquin, Utah!  She has wormed her way right into his heart!

All of these puppies were bred by Elite Labradors!  The sire is my dog Cheveyo and the dam is a dog named Coco.  When I first met Coco I was so impressed by her overall nature!  I imprinted these 6 pups since they were weaned from their mom!  I would prefer to imprint from birth but the results were equally impressive doing it this way!  I will give you all periodic updates on the journey's with their self trainers...but so far they are all off to a good start!

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Reader Comments (1)

Cool to hear about Amubush. Just curious, is she being trained to alert regarding gluten or just wheat? How do you do that, either way?? My son also has both, but his DAD is not doing any training regarding gluten.

May 9, 2012 at 2:22 PM | Unregistered Commenterem180

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